Delivering impact by creating connection
Taking social media by storm with an award winning campaign.
Challenge: Fremont Bank implemented a new “virtual concierge” customer service experience. We knew prospects would be excited by it if we could just get their attention.
Approach: To cut through all the competing noise, we designed a Facebook campaign featuring ads targeting three essential banking needs:
Exceptional service: Ads highlighted that our virtual concierge would only improve the great service we’ve built our reputation on.
Getting to a real banker, rather than a bot: Ads showcased how our virtual concierge makes it faster and easier to talk to a person, enhancing (not replacing) in-person banking.
State-of-the-art tech: Ads needed to deliver big on our tech promise since a glitchy experience would erode that hard-earned trust.
All ads directed a curious public to a landing page focused on the benefits and convenience of our virtual concierge.
Results: When you offer people what they need, they notice. With an engagement rate of 69.9% and conversion rate of 6.0%, we generated more awareness and excitement for Fremont Bank than we ever anticipated. This campaign also won the “Best Bank Social Media Campaign” award from the Web Marketing Association.